Monday, September 30, 2019

Addiction is a Disease Essay

Addiction is all around us. It may be that cup of coffee in the morning for the caffeine stimulation, the cigarette that is smoked for the nicotine, or an alcoholic drink used to relieve a stressful day or situation. For some, the addiction may not be to a substance, but to compulsive behaviors such as gambling, playing video games, or shopping. Consequences to addictions can impact an addict’s physical or mental state. Addiction can also have detrimental impact on the people that surround them. Watching a relationship fall apart because a person has an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or another addictive behavior is a sad thing to happen to anyone. Unfortunately, those with addictions usually won’t admit they even have a problem and that they need treatment until it is too late. Some addictions have less severe consequences, such as addiction to caffeine for the stimulation; others take it to the other end of the spectrum, such as using illegal drugs like cocaine or heroi n which completely deteriorates their physical and mental health. Addiction should be looked at as a disease because it is chronic and does not subside without treatment. Symptoms can be progressive, and just as disease surfaces repeatedly, addiction has a high level of relapse. Furthermore, addiction can be treated. Addiction is a disease whether it is an addiction to substances or certain behaviors. Addiction is a common word known to many, but many don’t realize that addiction is a disease. â€Å"Substance abuse has been conceptualized and generally accepted to be a disease resulting from a biologic vulnerability triggered by a combination of psychological, social, and environmental factors† (Vocaturo 393). Addiction and disease have corresponding definitions. More commonly a disease is thought of as an illness of the body or something we acquire involuntarily such as diabetes, cancer or Alzheimer’s. â€Å"If addiction is truly compulsive and addictive action is not voluntary, then addiction has a much stronger claim to be a disease† (Perring 194). According to, disease is defined as, â€Å"a disordered or incorrectly functioning part of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment or any harmful, depraved, or morbid condition, as of the mind or society.† Addiction is a mental disease. According to, addiction is defined as, â€Å"the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.† Behavioral addictions are compulsive actions with examples being gambling, shopping, video gaming, and those with OCD. â€Å"The behavior has an effect of decreasing anxiety and result in a positive mood state or high, similar to substance intoxication† (J.E. Grant et al 234). What happens in the brain during addiction is that the brain learns poor coping mechanism for stressful or unfavorable situations. In the brain, a series of events happen during addiction. Addictions are a coping mechanism which plays a role in the reward system felt in the brain. The brain’s dopamine system transports serotonin, the good feel hormone. Whatever the addiction, it causes a chemical in the brain called dopamine to surpass normal levels which results to feelings of pleasure. â€Å"The most integrative and common feature of addictive agents is their capacity to cause psychomotor activation. This most common feature is seen as forward locomotion which is the unconditional response to positive reinforcement† (Calabrese 599). This then causes the brain to want it over and over again. Although there are different kinds of addiction, all have a common goal: to make a person feel good. This then becomes more important to a person than anything else despite the consequences. The brain then becomes reliant on this false surge in dopamine brought on by the addiction, and the brain’s ability to naturally produce dopamine greatly decreases. This then results in lack of control when the same outcome can no longer be established. This leads to increasing dosage or behavior to try and achieve the same high or to possibly better it. Substance addictions leave the body constantly craving a good feeling despite the consequences they may have. In order to understand the real mentality of someone with addiction/s is to examine a person in a philosophical and psychological way. All types of addictions should be looked at from a philosophical and psychological point of view. Those in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and philosophy often compare their views to show the similarities of addictions whether they be substance induced or behavioral. â€Å"Behavioral science experts believe that all entities capable of stimulating a person can be addictive; and whenever a habit changes into an obligation, it can be considered as addiction† (Alaghemandan  et al 290). Some addictions can affect people physically. Caffeine and nicotine provide prime examples. The body’s physical state becomes dependent on its effects and causes withdrawal symptoms without use. One of the main differences in behavioral and substance addictions is that behavioral addictions have no apparent physiological or physical withdrawal symptoms. It is not the physical body that is addicted, but the feeling that one gets mentally. The physical body is only affected by the dependency of the substance itself, while the addiction itself is more damaging psychologically. Addiction isn’t about will power. When looking at addiction for a neurological point of view, there are a series of chemical reactions going on. Dopamine is a good-feel hormone produced in the brain when satisfaction is gained chemically by substances or by a self-gratifying act. When substances such as drugs and alcohol are used or certain behaviors are performed, a person experiences an unnatural high, so to speak, which is many times greater than the natural reward system produced in the brain. Some individuals may be more susceptible to getting hooked on this feeling. Certain people can be specifically more vulnerable than others to taking on an addiction. The vulnerability to addiction can be due to their genetic dispositions. â€Å"With prominent advances in whole genome sequencing, the search for genetic variations underlying drug addiction is continuing at an escalating pace; however, genetic factors likely explain about fifty percent of the risk for addiction† (Maze and Nestor 99). Some believe that one can have an addictive personality. An addictive personality will always be susceptible to having at least one kind of addiction. Quite subsequently, an addictive personality type is addicted to addiction itself. If one addiction was given up, another one would be taken on, moreover, it is commonly found for an addicted person to be addicted to several addictions at the same time. This increases the level of the individual suffering, and no matter what the addict ion, it disrupts the brain’s natural reward system, which is the route to a pleasurable feeling. The addiction itself is the mental state created from taking on any addiction. â€Å"Studies have shown that those with behavioral addictions and those with substance use disorders both score high on a self-report measure of impulsivity and sensation-seeking and generally low on measures of harm avoidance† (J.E. Grant Et Al 234). It is extremely hard for a person addicted to a substance or behavior to break the  addictive cycle. Getting over addiction is dependent on the type of addiction. Trying to break certain addictions may be simply in avoiding a social environment that may tempt a person towards a certain addiction. Others may benefit from medications and psychological treatment. Research has shown, regardless of whether behavioral or substance addiction, replacing or substituting with a positive beneficial addiction to start learning to associate a positive coping mechanism to the triggers that onset the addiction. It is difficult to overcome, and an addict is always going want to feel good with an act or substance. While the severity differs between addictions, some are manageable in day to day life, while others have catastrophic effect in their lives which is why addictions should be treated as a disease. There are many attempted treatments that are sought after in breaking addictions. Some people may go to counseling sessions and some go to support meetings which help them realize the adverse effects the addiction has brought into their lives. Behavioral therapy is another way treatment is sought out. In behavioral therapy, the addiction does not need to be specific to one drug or behavior, but is used to address the use of multiple addictions. It is the disease of addiction that the therapy addresses. Other therapies are pharmaceutically administered to relieve the feeling one may get from a substance. Medications are less prescribed with compulsive disorders; however, it is believed that if the addiction was brought on by depression and/or anxiety, prescribing medication can be helpful to alleviate these symptoms. A combination of behavioral therapy and medication has been seen as helpful as well. Therapy should be an ongoing process for someone with addictions. There will always be triggers that could possibly cause a relapse. There is great difficulty in giving up an addiction without taking on another. Can an addict ever not have an addiction or can it ever be learned to live without addiction? Relapse is the reason addiction is a chronic disease. While some addictions can be tolerated, others unfortunately have detrimental effects on their lives. In order to achieve a successful long term recovery, treatment sought out should address the specifics of each individual’s needs. Changes must occur in one’s life that is physical, social, and psychological in order to be successful in recovery. â€Å"Although different factors will determine someone’s vulnerability to addiction, integrating individual vulnerability to  addiction across different research disciplines is likely to provide the greatest advances for intervention and prevention efforts† ( Le Moal and Swendsen 73). But the question still remains, why would someone continue to choose an addiction over their own health? Addiction is an extremely powerful disease. The mind should always overcome the body which is why some people speculate that addiction is a choice and not a disease. However, is addiction really just a choice? â€Å"Most of the best-known criticisms of the disease concept have argued that addiction is not a disease because addictive behavior is voluntary† (Perring 194). An exercise addict may dispute the term disease in their addiction. Although their behavior is compulsive, exercise is indeed a very healthy habit to have and does wonders for the body. An exercise addiction may be healthy; however, those who must exercise each and every day regardless of need, are still exhibiting compulsive behaviors. In their mind this activity must be performed each and every day no matter what. â€Å"If you are an exercise addict, it is quite obvious that some of the effects of this particular addiction are positive† (Round Table 7). Exercise is the most contradictory of all the addictions. Mentally they are addicted to the act, but addiction is still a disease, not a choice. There are two areas of the brain that involve choice. The first area is the ventral striatum, or nucleus acumens, which is a structure that motivates a person to go after a goal that they may have or want. This is where addiction and cravings come from. The second area is called the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. This area is what considers consequences of the actions. There are impulses that go from one area to the other through synapses. Triggers can cause alterations of these impulses. They are altered the most by the cycle of addictive thoughts and behaviors. Choice can be thought of as an adaptive process. Brains adapt to our experiences, so the choices that are made change with time. Addiction is an experience to which the brain also adapts, but too rapidly, too thoroughly, and too permanently. Understanding these neural changes is essential for understanding how â€Å"choice† gets hijacked by addiction. That doesn’t make addiction a brain disease. It’s more of corrupted learning process or a nasty adaptation. And like any other adaptation, it is the foundation of the fleshy hardware we carry around in our heads. While it is true that the addict may have a choice in whether or not to use drugs or to give in to  behaving a certain way, craving is not a choice. If a craving gets bad enough, even the strongest willed person gives in to their addiction. The brain strives to survive and this cannot be ignored. A big reason why skeptics view addiction as a choice is the inability to truly understand the realness of cravings in addiction. While some may speculate that addiction is a choice, addiction is a disease and should be treated as such. Addiction has many defining terms that correlate to disease. Addiction to substances or behaviors produce uncontrollable cravings to which one cannot ignore. Addiction is extremely hard to overcome for anyone but can be treated with th e correct type of therapy much like other diseases. Whether a person is addicted to caffeine, nicotine, drugs, alcohol, gambling, exercise, or any other compulsive behavior, their addiction is a disease. Works Cited â€Å"Addiction.†, LLC. (2012) Web. 27 Sept. 2012 Alagheandan, Hamed, Seyyed Salman Alavi, Mehdi Eslami, Masoud Ferdosi, Fereshte Jannatifard, and Mehrdad Setare. â€Å"Behavioral Addiction versus Substance Addiction: Correspondence of Psychiatric and Psychological Views.† International Journal of Preventive Medicine 3.4 (April 2012). Web. 27 Sept 2012. Calabrese, E.J. â€Å"Addiction and Dose Response: The Phsychomoor Stimulant Theory of Addiction Reveals that Hormetic Dose Responses are Dominant.† Informa Healthcare (2008) Web. 27 Sept. 2012 â€Å"Disease.†, LLC (2012) Web. 27 Sept. 2012 Gorelick, David A., Jon E. Grant, Marc. N. Ptenza, and Aviv Weinstein. â€Å"Introduction to Behavioral Addictions.† American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse (2010).Web. 27 Sept. 2012. Maze, Ian, and Eric J. Nestler. â€Å"The Epigenetic Landscape of Addiction.† Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1216.1 (Jan. 2011). Web. 27 Sept. 2012. Moal, Michel Le, and Joel Swendsen.â€Å"Individual Vulnerability to Addiction.† Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2011). Web. 27 Sept. 2012. Perring, Christian. â€Å"Bridging the Gap between Philosophers of Mind and Brain Researchers: The Example of Addiction.† Brain, Mind and Consciousness 2011). Web. 27 Sept. 2012. â€Å"Round Table: When is an addict not an addict?† New Statesman (18 May 2007). Web. 27 Sept. 2012. Vocaturo, Loran C.. â€Å"Substance Abuse.† Medical Management of Adults with Neurologic Disabilities (2009). Web. 27 Sept. 2012.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Examples Of Acute Injuries Health And Social Care Essay

To be fit and healthy it is of import that you exercise, nevertheless, exert excessively much and you could wound yourself. This can be caused by ; An accident while developing Insufficient equipment Pushing yourself excessively difficult Not warming up decently Sports hurts can be classed into two classs ; Acute hurt Overuse hurt An acute hurt is on in which there is rapid oncoming of hurting is ensuing from an incident that has been traumatic for illustration, an hurt. It is usually impact on a specific portion of the organic structure. Examples of acute hurts are ; Sprains are hurts to ligaments by stretching them excessively far or by being torn. Ligaments are hempen tissue which holds castanetss together every bit good as to maintain your organic structure in place forestalling any unwanted motions. Examples of ligaments are ; the calcaneoifbular ligament in the mortise joint which is the damaged ligament in the image on the right. A sprain is an hurt to a musculus or to a sinew. Muscles move your skeleton and this in bend pulls on a sinew which is connected to a bone. Both can be stretched but if they are stretched to far it can do a tear in it. A bruise or contusion in common footings, is one of the most common athleticss hurts. These occur when a blood vas underneath the tegument ruptures due to compressive force to a musculus. Blood so leaks into the dermis bed of the tegument, doing stain. This can besides happen to variety meats. Dislocation is the separation of two castanetss at their meeting articulation due to sudden force to the joint ; this is clearly shown by the image on the left. Therefore, the bone is no longer in its normal place. Dislocation can do harm to the tissues environing the bone every bit good as any ligaments attached to the bone. Damage can besides be done to the blood vass and nervousnesss. A break is a status where the bone has broken or when there is a cleft nowadays in the bone. These occur due to high force or emphasis on the bone. Fractures can happen in any bone in the human organic structure, nevertheless, castanetss can usually defy most impacts and it is merely if the force is excessively much it fractures. There are several different categories which breaks can be classed into ; all are identified on the right. Closed/Simple break is when the bone is merely damaged and there has been no harm done to the tissue or tegument environing the bone. Compound/Open break is when the tegument or tissue environing the break has been damaged. There is a higher hazard of infection with this type due to the harm to the tegument. Overuse hurts are those that are caused by repeating actions which damage sinews, ligaments, musculuss and tissues in the same topographic point over a period of clip. Common overexploitation hurts are ; Tennis cubitus is due to hurt of both the musculus and sinew on the exterior of the radius and ulna, or more specifically the sidelong epicondyle. It is caused my overexploitation of the forearm musculuss ensuing in hurting. It is most common in tennis participants ; nevertheless, you do non necessitate to be a tennis drama to acquire this. Golfer ‘s cubitus is a similar status to tennis cubitus, merely this status affects the musculus and sinews on the interior of the arm. Iliotibial set syndrome ( ITBS ) is caused by insistent injury to the Iliotibial set which is present in legs and runs along the exterior of the thigh which keeps the articulatio genus in topographic point as it flexes and extends. ITBS is the overexploitation of this set ensuing in hurting specifically during running and redness of the iliotibial set. A Shin splint occur when there is a repeating and a big sum of exercising being done. This puts big sums of force per unit area onto the leg which can do hurt to the bone and tissue that surrounds it. Shin splints can besides be where little cryings develop in the interosseous membrane in the leg or bantam breaks develop on the surface of the shinbone. Sports hurts are really common. One of which is a broken leg, this happened to American football broad receiving system Tyrone Prothro who played for the University of Alabama between 2003 and 2005. On 1st October 2005, during a game versus the Florida Gators, Prothro went for a touchdown base on balls and got hit in the air and the manner he landed on the land he fractured both the shinbone and calf bone. Since the leg is deformed, this would be classed as a terrible shinbone and fibula break ensuing in the inability to stand and walk every bit good as failing in both the leg and pes. Damage was more than probably done to the environing tissue, nervousnesss and blood vass.First assistanceFirst assistance is really of import when it comes to an injured individual. There are a figure of regulations in which you can follow ; DR ABC is a mnemotechnic which is used shortly after person got injured ;Danger –Check the country and do certain you and the people around you are safe, particularly the injured individual.Response –Can the injured individual hear you? Can they open and shut their eyes? Any motions? Response to touch?Airway –Is there a obstruction in the pharynx or have they swallowed their lingua? Is the caput in a suited place to let external respiration? Care should be taken non to do anything worse but the air passage must be cleared if it is blocked.Breathing –Can the injured individual breathe clearly?Circulation –Is there a pulsation? Is the pulse weak / strong / racing R.I.C.E is another mnemonic that is used for tissue hurts ;Rest –This is of import for mending the organic structure as without it more strain would be placed on the injured country taking to more hurt.Ice –Ice is perfect for cut downing redness and any hurting caused. It is recommended that you ice for 20 proceedingss and so no ice for 20 proceedingss. This can cut down the opportunity of acquiring frostbite, every bit good as wrapping the ice in a towel before puting it on the injured country. If you use the ice for excessively long, this can protract the repairing clip as it will curtail the blood flow to the country, which can cut down the foods acquiring the tissues of the injured country.Compression –Compaction is used to cut down the puffiness that is from redness but everyone does acquire some puffiness. For this an elastic patch is better as it does non curtail the blood flow every bit is non to be excessively tight.ElevationA ­ –Elevation is go od at cut downing swelling by the higher sum of blood which returns to the systemic circulation. This interruption is easy to name by the usage of modern imaging techniques ; X raies CT scan Magnetic resonance imagings scan Bone scan Extremity ultrasound However, in Tyrone Prothro fortunes, he was given an X-ray as this was the fastest technique to utilize and is the least expensive. X raies are high photon energy electromagnetic radiation which can be used in both diagnosing and therapy. As the beams pass thought the organic structure, the photons present in your organic structure are absorbed at different rates ; this is what produces the image. The stuffs in your organic structure which are heavy, like bone, show up as white countries on the image. The parts of your organic structure which are made of softer stuff, like musculuss and variety meats, show up as darker countries. X raies can be unsafe if the does given is excessively much for the organic structure, nevertheless, medical X raies are usually are a really little dose degree, intending the opportunity of radiation harm to your organic structure is little. Due to the manner in which Tyrone Prothro fractured his shinbone and calf bone, surgery had to be the option due to being the quickest option as without it, it would take old ages to mend or might ne'er mend and will invariably be in hurting. He had to acquire three separate surgeries due to the harm done to the tissue, nervus and blood vas harm. The physicians put an intramedullary rod in his leg which will aline the leg and aid to repair the break. The IM rod was inserted into the inside of the castanetss, where the bone marrow is present. This is the best manner to assist mend the broken shinbone and calf bone as it does non back up the bone ; alternatively it portions the burden with the bone. Rehabilitation of the broken shinbone and calf bone would be used to reconstruct the map of the limb, every bit best as possible and to cut down the uncomfortableness the patient is in. The patient may necessitate the usage of crutches, depending on the weight bearing place. The physician may besides make up one's mind if Tyrone would necessitate the usage of an orthopedic dramatis personae, which means the leg would be covered by plaster to make a shell type shell. This is to cut down the motion the injured limb to make which will diminish the healing clip. Once the dramatis personae has been removed, the patient will hold to see a physical therapist to recover strength and scope of gesture in the leg. However, it will ne'er be the same as what he had before the hurt. Both the shinbone and calf bone may get down to mend within 6 to 16 hebdomads of the hurt, but the capableness of the bone to prolong a heavy burden could take up to a twelvemonth, intending the injured may be is some kind of uncomfortableness until so.REHABILITATION VISITSNon-surgicalSpecialist Fracture, Tibia or Fibula Physical Therapist Up to 20 visits within 8 hebdomadsSurgicalSpecialist Fracture, Tibia or Fibula Physical Therapist Up to 16 visits within 8 hebdomads hypertext transfer protocol: // The tabular array is how frequently you would hold to see a physical therapist if you had a broken shinbone and calf bone. Or Tyrone Prothro, surgery was the option, intending one time he was released from infirmary and ready, he would hold to see the physical therapist 16 times within the infinite of 8 hebdomads, means 2 times a hebdomad. Due to the harm that was done and his leg ne'er to the full retrieving, intending he was advised ne'er to play football once more, his calling finished. Prevention of athleticss hurts There are six stairss that are extremely of import to cut down the hazard of athleticss hurts ; Warm up Do non over do it Stay hydrated Using the right technique Use of the proper equipment Cool downSports businessThe athleticss profession that I have chosen to analyze in this unit is physiotherapy. Physiotherapy helps to reconstruct the map and motion in any portion of the organic structure where the homo has been consequence by a disablement, unwellness or hurt. This is usually done through motion, exercising and instruction. The American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties ( ABPTS ) , province that there are 8 believable types of physical therapy ; Sports – This has to be the most common type of physical therapy, being used every twenty-four hours. It is the direction of hurts for all types of jocks, amateur to Olympian. It involves the intervention and healing of hurts. Orthopedic – This type helps to place and care for hurts or upsets of the musculoskeletal system. Pediatric – This type is all about bettering coordination and balance within a human every bit good as their motor accomplishments. It can besides be used to concentrate on strength and endurance. Worlds with conditions such as, spina bifida and intellectual paralysis. Normally this is used on kids and striplings. Cardiovascular and Pneumonic – This is for the intervention of worlds with cardiovascular and pneumonic upsets, every bit good as those who have had cardiac or pneumonic surgery such as, beltway surgery. This is used in worlds with the undermentioned upsets ; pneumonic fibrosis, CORD ( Chronic Obstructive Respiratory Disease ) , bosom onslaughts. Geriatric – This type of physical therapy is for the huge sum of conditions that affect worlds as they grow old and hence would merely be practiced on the aged. A few illustrations of the conditions are as follows ; Alzheimer ‘s disease, malignant neoplastic disease, arthritis and osteoporosis. Neurological – This type is practiced on those with a neurological upset such as, Alzheimer ‘s disease, intellectual paralysis, Parkinson ‘s disease and motor neurone disease Clinical electrophysiology – This type usually is used with electrophysiological rating where an EMG ( electromyography ) is used. Integumentary – This is used as a intervention for tegument and organ conditions like Burnss and lesions.University degreePhysiotherapy is degree based calling, intending you have to travel through university if you wish to go a physical therapist. University of Ulster is the lone university in Northern Ireland to offer a grade, specifically, a BSc Hons in physical therapy. ‘The university provinces that appliers must ; Keep a GCSE base on balls in English Language at Grade C or above ( or equivalent ) .A You must besides hold obtained a GCSE base on balls in Mathematicss at grade C or above ( or equivalent ) .A degreeGrades BBB to include one scientific discipline topic from Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Physics or Double Award Applied ScienceA ( with a BB in Double Award Applied Science ) .Irish Leaving CertificateB2B2B3B3B3 at higher degree – to include two topics from Maths, Physics, Biology or Chemistry. English and Maths Grade D at Higher Level or Grade C at Ordinary Level.BTEC National DiplomaSuccessful completion of a scientific discipline related BTEC National Diploma with a DDM profile.A Base on balls with overall norm of 70 – 71 % to include 70 % in each concluding twelvemonth faculty. Concluding twelvemonth faculties must include 2 from the followers: – Mathematicss ( with maths to be presented at degree 3 ) , Biology, Physics, Chemistry. Applicants must besides sit the Health Professions Admissions Test consequences in a satisfactory public presentation in the HPAT. Equally good as proving all campaigners are required to undergo a medical scrutiny and condemnable records cheque ( AccessNI ) . ‘ hypertext transfer protocol: // ? id=9773 BSc Hons in Physiotherapy is a three twelvemonth class consequences in peoples run intoing the demand of physical therapists in the current wellness attention system, the NHS or via private patterns. In each of the three old ages you study ;Year 1Development of professional individuality and professionalism – ‘Knowledge and Skills for Professional Practice ‘ , and ‘Communication and Psychology for the Health Sciences ‘ . An apprehension of nucleus topics: Physiology and, Structure, Function and Assessment of the Human Body. Specific accomplishments are taught with respect to cardio-respiratory, galvanism, walking rehabilitation and curative exercising. Students undertake a one hebdomad orientation and a six hebdomad clinical arrangement.Year 2Neurological rehabilitation. Spinal disfunction and rehabilitation. Musculoskeletal. Pediatricss. Oncology. Amputation rehabilitation. Students undertake two six hebdomad clinical arrangements.Year 3Cardio-respiratory and professional issues develop consciousness of the function of the physical therapist within the multidisciplinary squad and in a altering clinical environment. Students undertake an fact-finding undertaking or thesis Students undertake two six hebdomad clinical arrangements. hypertext transfer protocol: // ? id=9773Professional AdministrationsOnce you have completed the class, you leave with a BSc ( Bachelor of Science ) in Physiotherapy and are hence eligible for ‘registration with the Health and Care Professions Council ( HCPC ) , this was set up with the Health Service reform 2002 and rank of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy ( CSP ) . As a physical therapy pupil at the University of Ulster, they recommend that you join CSP every bit shortly as possible with rank being a one off payment.Personal QualitiesAs a physical therapist it is of import that they are fit and healthy, to put an illustration to your clients. Good communicating and societal accomplishments are cardinal to guarantee a good relationship between the healer and the patient. Tolerance and forbearance is an of import quality, due to this being a really manus on calling.CareersBeyond obtaining the BSc in physical therapy, you can either travel into a calling or make a graduate student grade, MSc which is a Maestro of Science. The University of Ulster offers Physiotherapy at MSc degree. If one does non desire to travel on to make a graduate student grade so it is possible to travel into the universe of work, the possibilities are eternal with physical therapy due to the huge sums of athleticss played in the universe or any other types of physical thera py ( ABPTS ) are needed on a day-to-day footing.NHS V. Private CareThere are assorted occupations available on the NHS ( National Health Service ) and private practicians, both of which are extremely regarded. With the NHS based occupations, they would be working in a infirmary environment and are needed in most of the sections ; Outpatients Intensive attention Women ‘s wellness Care of the aged Stroke patients Orthopedicss Mental unwellness Learning troubles Occupational wellness Terminally ill Pediatricss This means that they will invariably be on the clocked and needed for assorted things. Physical therapists do non merely work in the infirmary environing ; they would work in assorted environments ; Industry Particular schools The private sector ( for illustration, private pattern ) Education Leisure & A ; athletics For physical therapists that are in the private sector would work in the same rules as those on the NHS, nevertheless, the private subdivision physios will hold to be paid for. There are three sets for physical therapists on the NHS, all have a different wage ; 21,176 – ?27,534 ( band 5 ) 25,472 – ?34,189 for specializer physical therapists ( band 6 ) 30,460 – ?40,157 for advanced physical therapists ( band 7 ) The physical therapists that work in the private sector will by and large hold the same wage as those on the NHS. Medical Physics – Roger Muncaster hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // articlekey=135557 & A ; ref=132720 hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //Ãâ€"300.jpg hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Should Homosexuals Be Allowed to Marry?

Gay marriage is a sensitive topic in America today, mainly because we Americans are split down the middle between supporting it and not supporting it. My main concern, and main reason for supporting gay marriage, has always been â€Å"who is it hurting? † The main reason I hear for not supporting them would be because they cannot reproduce. There are many reasons why gay marriage should or should not be legal and they are different in everyone’s eyes. I believe that gay marriage would follow a utilitarian principle and fall under relativism and even though they cannot have children, gay marriage should be legal because there would be higher adoption rates, it is a civil right, and they are human beings. First, Gay marriage should be legal because there would be higher adoption rates. Craig, Martinez, Kane, and Gainous (2005) quotes â€Å"Support for the civil rights and liberties of homosexuals has risen as well: Most Americans now believe that gays should be permitted to teach in colleges and universities, to serve in the military, and that there should be laws banning discrimination against gays in hiring and firing, while over 40 percent are willing to allow gay and lesbian couples to adopt children. † (p. 5). America is slowly becoming more acceptable of gay and lesbian rights as well as allowing them to adopt and marry in some states. This doesn’t mean that every state in the U. S. is allowing this, and the question is why? People are afraid of the downfall that may occur in our population rates if more gay and lesbian couples are allowed to marry. This though, is not the case. I believe that there would be a spike in adoption rates. If you take into account the fact that there are hundreds probably even thousands of kids out there without having a home, and knowing that heterosexuals couples are more likely to have their own kids instead of adopting, and you will not be okay with our gay and lesbian community to marry and adopt those kids in need, is beyond me. Brian, part of a Films Media Group, film (2005) talks about his two fathers, he says â€Å"Everything I hoped for came true when Murray and Peter became my parents. I love them, I loved them for making my lunches each day as I left for school, and I loved them for caring about my thoughts and ideas. I loved them for making me feel special. † (Marriage for Homosexual Parents). This is not the only person who would testify that their parents (whether gay or straight) are not only loving but supportive of everything they do. A parent is a parent, no matter if it is a man and woman, man and man, or woman and woman. They go through same things that everyone would go through. The terrible twos, the potty training, waking up at all hours of the night, this list could go on and on but, because homosexuals are with someone of the same sex, they are now unfit to be parents. How this makes anyone an unfit parent, is beyond me. Parenting is about loving and supporting your child, no matter what the situation is. Gay and Lesbian parents are also going to be more supportive if their child ends up being gay or lesbian whereas straight couples are more likely to be disappointed or upset with their children. Arguably, it is safe to say that the more accepting we, as Americans, become of our gay and lesbian couples, and their adopting children, the less homeless kids, and the happier people we will have! Additionally, it is their civil right. I do not see how it is right that heterosexual couples have every right that Americans should have whereas homosexual couples are limited on their civil rights, regardless that they are Americans, because they date someone of the same sex. How can we as people and the government as well, truly deny a United States citizen their civil rights, which they were born into? Honestly, that is an outrage, and I for one am not okay with the fact that we can simply deny someone rights. I am sure that any other United States citizen wouldn’t be okay with their rights being taken away from them, so what gives us the right to take them away from anybody else? Maybe we should take everyone else’s rights away to marry and see if they think that this is acceptable to do. Yes, marriage may be just a piece of paper, but we are truly denying someone that paper that would make them the happiest person alive? Ferguson (2007) quotes â€Å"So, one common argument for gay marriage is that government denial of the legal right to gay marriage deprives gays and lesbians of access to the social sanction and status that marriage confers, and hence to full adulthood, rights to familial or joint property and inheritance rights, and full citizenship† (p. 40). How is it right that they are denied the right to marry just because of who they chose to be with? One of my favorite sayings (I actually heard at a gay pride festival in Ohio) came from a couple, they said â€Å"Why do we not get the choice to marry? Shouldn’t everyone have a choice to be miserable for the rest of their lives with the one person who actually makes them a little bit happier? † Honestly, it is so true; there are gay and lesbian couples who have been together for 30+ years who do not get the option to get married to their lifetime partner, where straight couples get married for a couple of years just to divorce and re marry again. I am not saying that all United States citizens do this, but our divorce rates have spiked recently, meaning that more and more people are divorcing. I do believe if we allowed gay and lesbian couples the right to marry, the divorce rates would drop instead of increasing each year. Ferguson (2007) also quotes â€Å"Refusing the right to gay marriage because of the so-called sanctity of marriage, a religious concept, would seem to deprive the sexual minority of the freedom to be free to marry if they choose a lifestyle not sanctioned by many religious denominations, and hence imposes the religious view that marriage should be a heterosexual privilege. † (p. 40). People are also against same sex marriage due to their religious views. There are so many different religions in the United States, and many of those support their people in whatever choice they decide to make but because we are a predominately Christian country, we are forced to follow their rules. I do not see how someone’s religion can make a choice concerning someone else’s life and what they chose to do with it. These two quotes made by Ferguson explain perfectly why the government is denying same sex marriage; it is completely unconstitutional that they are denying gay and lesbian couples of their constitutional rights to marry. Another reason that gay marriage should be legal is that they are human beings. If I am thinking correctly, many people were born here in the United States, and would be considered Americans, but since they chose to like someone of the same sex then they are instantly treated like aliens. I, myself, am straight and therefore get treated like every other person would. I have many gay and lesbian friends, and when we are out in public, you can see the difference on how they get treated and looked at versus myself. It sickens me to think that people how there can be so rude and inconsiderate of another person. Kurdek (2004) quotes â€Å"As one indication of the importance of identifying oneself as part of a couple, some gay and lesbian citizens of the United States are currently arguing that they, just like heterosexual citizens, are entitled to the privileges associated with having their relationships, legalized as marriages. † (p. 880). Our gay and lesbian couples are considering themselves citizens, but without all the benefits that citizens receive. I don’t understand why we cannot treat them with the same respect that we treat anyone else. There is no need to punish them for who they are dating. It is a matter of privacy as well. We do not concern ourselves with who straight couples are dating/living with, why do we need to invade others privacy just because they are with someone of the same sex. Everyone has the right to be happy, to have a job, and to get married. Homosexual couples, who are legal citizens of the United States, are getting treated like they are aliens because of their sexual orientation. How is it that we can treat heterosexuals with the upmost respect that they deserve then turn right around and treat homosexuals like trash? I do not see how that is fair or correct at all and knowing that we as Americans do not have enough respect for other individuals. A few reasons that people do not support gay marriage would be that their religion is strongly against marriage of homosexuals or the fact that homosexuals cannot reproduce children of their own. Many people truly believe that because the bible says it is wrong to be with someone of the same sex, that our gay and lesbian couples are sinning. It is also true though that Jesus said he loves everyone, and will forgive every one of their sins. I personally do not believe that homosexuals are sinning because of who they date, but there are many people out there that do. We must remember that when Jesus was living things were a lot less complex than they are in today’s time. I believe if things had been what they are now, back then, that he would be accepting of any child, no matter what person they decide to be with. People are also against same sex marriage due to the fact that gay and lesbian couples cannot reproduce children of their own. They believe that since they are not able to reproduce any children of their own, that they would be an unfit couple, and we wouldn’t have as much youth to keep our country going. This to me is not true though. There are many people who are willing to surrogate, adopt, or even go to a sperm donor to reproduce children of their own. Just because the kids would not have a â€Å"father or mother† figure in their lives does not mean that they cannot reproduce. So many kids need adopted that you would think it would be a great idea to let our homosexual couples adopt them! But, these reasons alone are what turn so many people against gay marriage. People let their religion and their beliefs get in the way to see that it is about happiness and a lifetime commitment not about religion or kids. Utilitarian Principles basically means choices, which to me would fit perfectly with our gay and lesbian couples, in a way that they would benefit from it. Mosser (2010) defines utilitarianism as a â€Å"given set of choices, the act we should choose is that which produces the best results for the greatest number affected by that choice. † (p. 1. ). To me, a utilitarian believes that we should base our results on the greater good, and what would produce the greatest outcome and affect very few people by the outcome produced. I do not see how letting our gay and lesbian couples marry would truly affect anyone else. When a heterosexual couple gets married, that decision is theirs and theirs alone. No one is affected by this decision, minus the families of cour se, and no one seems to care that they are going to pursue a life of happiness together. How would this be any different from our homosexual couples? The only parties that would truly be affected by this decision would be the couple themselves, and their families and friends. It is truly no one else’s business on what they do and how they spend their lives, but somehow we have managed to make it our business. Americans have gotten so worked up over gay marriage, and for what, a piece of paper that says two people are committed to each other? I do not understand why we have the right to deny someone that. To me, utilitarianism would be the perfect resolution for our homosexual couples, and their right to marry whoever they please. Finally, I feel that relativism is a great way to explain the individuals in a gay or lesbian relationship. Mosser (2010) defines relativism as â€Å"the idea that one’s beliefs and values are understood in terms of one’s society, culture, or even one’s own individual values. † (p. 1. 8). What relativism means to me is that each individual’s beliefs and values are going to be honored. As you can see, our homosexual couples are getting their beliefs and values thrown to the curb and for what reason? I think that people are afraid of what could happen, which is why they are extremely against it, and why our gay and lesbian couples beliefs and values get thrown aside like they never existed. People believe that homosexual couples should not have the same rights as us and that they do not share our beliefs and values. To me, I believe that these people, who think that, are the ones that do not have the same beliefs and values. Everyone has the right to be happy, to have a job, and to get married. How is it that because you like someone of the same sex, that your values and beliefs automatically don’t matter? Relativism would play a perfect role in a gay and lesbian couple’s life, as if people followed the definition or relativism, then everyone would live a happy, peaceful life. All in all homosexual couples have been getting bullied since they first came out. You would think that people would finally start calming down and realizing that they are people who, just like me and you, fall in love with someone and want to spend the rest of their lives with them. It’s sad to know that if one of them gets sick or injured and is admitted to the hospital that their lifetime partner would not be allowed in the room because they are not related to them, even though they may have been together for years. They get no benefits that a regularly married couple would get and get looked down upon society, some even losing their jobs over it. We are treating human beings like animals because they fell in love with someone of the opposite sex. People always say that you cannot help who you fall in love with, but apparently they are only talking about heterosexual couples and believe that homosexuals have a choice and that they have made a wrong one. Friends and family of mine, who are gay, have had the roughest life with all the hatred that they have received. My best friend lost his job due to the fact that he came out as being gay. I do not understand how someone can get fired over their sexual orientation. He has received multiple messages online telling him how horrible he was and that Jesus hates him. There are people out there who actually do this, send hate mail to people over their sexual orientation. It is high time that people take a step back and realize that it is time to get over their hate and fear of our homosexual community and come together as one. If this happened, in my opinion, the world would become just a little bit better and maybe all of these hate crimes would stop and people would all get treated with the respect that they deserve to get. Until then I am going to continue standing my ground, in my supports of gay marriage and equality for all! In conclusion, even though gay and lesbian couples may not be able to have hildren of their own, marriage between the couples should be legalized because more children would be adopted, it is their constitutional right as a United States citizen, and they are human beings just like you and me. I also feel that this topic would fall under utilitarianism as well as relativism as these two topics would give our gay and lesbian couples the right to be happy and marry their loved one, just like we do now! Just imagine having a child of your own, and they ended up being gay or lesbian. They would go their whole lives with nothing but hatred from everyone, and is that really how you would want your child to live? References Craig, S., Martinez, M., Kane, J., Gainous, J. (2005). Core Values, Value Conflict, and Citizens’ Ambivalence about Gay Rights. Political Research Quarterly. 58(1), 5-17. Retrieved from Ferguson, A. (2007). Gay Marriage: An American and Feminist Dilemma. Hypatia. 22(1), 39-57. Retrieved from Films Media Group. (2005). Why thee wed? Gay perspectives on same-sex marriage [H.264]. Retrieved from Kurdek, L. (2004). Are Gay and Lesbian Cohabiting Couples Really Different from Heterosexual Married Couples? Journal of Marriage and Family. 66(4), 880-900. Retrieved from Mosser, K. (2010). Ethics & Social Responsibility. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education

Friday, September 27, 2019

Anatomical features Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anatomical features - Essay Example Radiometric analysis gives ‘Ardi’’s age as 4.4 million years, making her the oldest known hominid species to date. Ardi’s skeleton suggests a unique versatility and provides evidence of both biped and quadruped locomotion. The study of Ardi’s feet shows the markedly splayed big toe which facilitates the grasping of tree limbs, marking her as a quadruped in the trees. However, the presence of a small bone inside a foot tendon, which is absent in both chimps and gorillas, increases the rigidity of the big toe. This feature, in combination with other toe modification, promotes biped locomotion on the ground. Similarly, the pelvis shows both the large flaring upper bones which facilitate steady bipedality, and the lower pelvis which accommodates the huge hind limb muscles used in climbing like an ape. Again, unlike the strictly rigid wrist bones of chimps and gorillas, which are geared towards hanging from trees and knuckle-walking on the ground, Ardiâ⠂¬â„¢s highly flexible wrists and finger joints indicate that Ardi walked on her palms on tree limbs – like primitive apes. (Shreeve. October 1, 2009. National Geographic News). The most famous fossil remains of Australopithecus afarensis are the skeleton, "Lucy" found at Hadar, Ethopia, in 1974, the infant found at Dikika, Ethiopia, in 2006, and the 3.7 million years old footprints found in volcanic ash plus fossil bones found at Laetoli, Tanzania in 1978. The anatomical features in all these cases suggest that Australopithecus afarensis was capable of both bipedal and quadruped locomotion. Lucy’s long arm bones, and the ridge formed by the tendons attached to the humerus, indicate the strong chest and upper arm muscles required for tree climbing. However, her short, broad pelvis supported her upright body and her angled-in thigh bones maintained her weight directly above her knees – both optimum features for walking. Likewise, while Lucy’s compact,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Human Resources Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Resources Management - Essay Example Nasr believed that there was a need of some fresh blood which could spur growth in the financial services sector for Morgan Stanley. For this job, Nasr required an individual, who was an initiator, some one who was an expert in not just market and product knowledge. But was a shrewd salesperson; that is be able to identify the needs of his customer and is able to bring a feasible solution to the customer’s problem. And more importantly, the person must also be having an established credibility in the financial sector for his expertise. As Morgan Stanley’s Capital Markets division needed to leverage on an expert’s experience and talent; in order to establish a brand name for itself. Parson became Nasr’s choice for this job as he had known for his professional expertise in this sector. In Nasr’s opinion, Parson’s experience in industry, his analytical capabilities, his motivation and his selling skills; made him the perfect fit with the job’s requirements. (Fisher, Schoenfeldt, & Shaw, 2005) Although, initially Parson may have been skeptical to work at Morgan Stanley; but Parson’s ambitions to excel in his career made him grasp this opportunity. Parson’s acceptance of this challenging job and then his success in drastically improving the market share of Morgan Stanley in financial services sector; not only justified Nasr’s choice but also proved that Parson was an achiever, he had successfully accomplished a lot in a very short span of time. Morgan Stanley may have begun to enjoy profits from Parson’s endeavors. But still Nasr faced a problem at his hands. Rob Parson does not incorporate Morgan Stanley’s working habits in his business manners. He fails to follow the Morgan Stanley way of doing things with consensus and as a team. Thus, Parson’s evaluation is reviewed as being that of an individualistic not a team player;

Volcanoes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Volcanoes - Research Paper Example As pressures from constricted inner layers proved too much to contain, they look for relief, hence, the formation of volcanoes. Moreover, initial volcanic construct is also attributed to tectonic plate motions--termed tectonic plates. This creates â€Å"zones of weakness in the crust,† paving way for molten magma to rise and manifest themselves through volcanic eruptions (Lopes & Lopes, 2005, p. 19). Basically, volcanoes originate from these procedures. In further discussions, there are several types of volcanoes identified: â€Å"shield, cinder cones, composite, domes, etc. (â€Å"Volcano,† n.d.). All of them, as illustrated in Figure 2 (please see Appendix B), apply the basic principles of pressured gases and plate disruptions, but along the way, several phenomena account for features that are unique in each types. In this discussion, three types of volcanoes are presented in detailed account, exemplifying particular volcanoes as the paper progress: cinder cone (Paricutin volcano), composite volcano (Mount Rainier) and lava dome volcano (Mount Unzen). Although the danger posed by each of these types possesses similar intensity, in more ways, their individualized attributes make them profoundly different from one another. As the simplest type of volcano, Paricutin volcano is a formation that fits the description of a cinder cone. Cinder cones are identified by the type of material emitted by volcanoes, where substances are of similar property with cinders seen at vents of volcanoes (Monroe & Wicander, 2008, p. 116). Named after the village of Paricutin in western Mexico, the volcano rises to about 2, 820 m and is prominent in â€Å"Michoacan and Guanajuato volcanic field...(that) belongs to Quaternary Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB).† Specifically, it is flanked by Angaguan Hills at the northern area while in the south, the volcanic rise of Pico de Tancitaro is the nearest structure (Migon, 2010, pp. 59-60). As depicted in Figure 3

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

In instruction box Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

In instruction box - Essay Example It is indeed not an uncommon phenomenon to encounter businesses marketing and selling their products online either through their own portals or by relying on sites owned and managed by third parties. In the first case, the company produces and markets the product online without necessarily relying on players in the traditional distribution channel such as distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. This paper will discuss how technological advancements and the Internet have impacted product distribution in the world today. The Case of Fujian Wanhua Electron and Technology Company Limited One company that relies on the Internet to distribute its products is the Fujian Wanhua Electron and Technology Company Limited. The company is based in China and was established in 1996 (Fujian Wanhua Electron & Technology Co. Ltd., 2013). The company produces a variety of electrical and electronic appliances for home, business, office, and corporate use. Some of the products that the company manufact ures and markets include car alarm systems, cordless telephone communication systems, network management systems, and home/office wireless burglar systems (Fujian Wanhua Electron & Technology Co. Ltd., 2013). ... Advantages of Direct Online Distribution of Products There are several advantages associated with direct distribution of products using the Internet. One main advantage with this method of distribution is its association with low overhead costs according to Time (2013). What this means is that the company is able to make a bigger profit that it would with the inclusion of intermediaries. This is the case considering that the company does not share the profits it gets with the intermediaries. Furthermore, a business that does direct online distribution is guaranteed to reach a global audience (Time, 2013). For example, although Fujian Wanhua Electron and Technology Company Limited is based in China, many people know about it or at least about its products across the globe. This may not be the case with businesses that rely on the traditional method of distribution. In many cases, they end up having a market that is limited in reach and therefore a smaller capital base. Yet another adv antage of direct distribution through the Internet is that it offers customers/consumers a lot of convenience (Time, 2013). Consumers can get to shop for the products they desire at any time of the day or night and at their convenience wherever they are as long as they have access to the Internet. What this means is that the consumers are not limited to shopping by time. Since intermediaries are not involved in the transactions, the customers benefit from the direct arrangement in that they get products at prices much cheaper than they would otherwise get with the involvement of intermediaries (Gillai & Lee, 2009). Many customers tend to like the idea of dealing directly with product producers (Time, 2013). Furthermore, the customers are more likely to receive superior customer care

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Film - Essay Example There are very rare politically charged films that are found today and the reason for that is because according to ‘USA today’ analysis, 26 movies that were released in the past 20 years and which had politically charged theme only four films did a business of over $100 million and nearly two-thirds did a business less than $50 million. But apart from these statistics, directors apart from Michael Moore are still trying for politically charged movies such as ‘Lions for lambs’, a Robert Redford’s movie which highlights the US involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Other example includes the movie of Jolie’s Bosnian, ‘In the land of blood and honey’ (DeBarros and Bowles). The genre of films that are politically charged other than the documentaries include a suspense drama ‘Betrayed’ and ‘The zookeeper’. The musical film includes ‘School daze’ and the epic include ‘Syriana’ which have a politically-charged themes. Recently there had been a fiction film on a politically charged theme, ‘Route Irish’ and ‘the day the Earth stood still’. These films cover the social issues as well as political issues (DeBarros and Bowles). The cultural and societal change has made a differentiation in the present world and the spirit of sixties. Recent films on politically charged theme prove that directors are still trying to come up with the films of every genre to highlight the political issues. DeBarros, A and S Bowles. "Movie fans vote no on politically-charged films." 11 July 2007. 20 March 2012

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Right to Privacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Right to Privacy - Essay Example In particular, privacy might be split into four classes (1) Physical: control on others to experience a situation or person through their human senses; (2) Informational: control on looking for or disclosing facts, which are unknowable or unknown to others; (3) Decisional: control on inquisitive in decisions, which are restricted to an entity; and finally, (4) Dispositional: control on efforts to know a person’s state of mind (Etzioni 56). The content and limits of what is regarded private varies among individuals and cultures, but share general themes. Privacy is, at times, associated with secrecy, the desire to stay unidentified or unnoticed in public matters. When a matter is private to an individual, it normally means there is something in them, which is considered personally sensitive or intrinsically special. The extent to which private and confidential information is revealed, hence, relies on how the public will perceive these facts, which differs between places and ov er time (Etzioni 56). There have been numerous debates concerning peoples’ right to privacy. The state argues that people make wrong use of this rule by doing illegal activities yet keep it away from the authorities claiming that it is a right to privacy. However, others consider that it is a significant element of human rights and that the regime should grant this right to its citizens (Gonchar 1). This paper will describe this right and where is it found. It will also discuss how was it developed and whether or not it should be openly included in the United States Constitution. Right to Privacy Definition In recent days, there have been extremely few efforts evidently and correctly to describe a "right to privacy." By the turn of the millennium (2000), learners of the Haifa Institute for Law & Technology confirmed that, in reality, the right to privacy ought not to be labeled as a distinct legal right, in any way (Thomson 74). Through their interpretation, present laws pert aining to privacy, in essence, should be adequate. Other scholars, such as Dean Prosser, have endeavored, but not succeeded, to uncover a mutual understanding between leading privacy cases in courts at least to formulate an explanation (Gallagher 12). One law school dissertation from Israel, nevertheless, on the issue of "privacy in the digital world," proposes that the right to privacy ought to be seen as a self-regulating right, which requires legal security in itself (Lever 56). It has, hence, suggested a working description to the "right to privacy. According to this institution, the right to privacy is peoples’ right to uphold a domain around them, which comprises of all those issues that are significant to them, such as their body, property, home, feelings, thoughts, identity, as well as secrets (Thomson 74). This right offers people the ability to choose which parts in this domain can be accessed by others, and to control the extent, manner and timing of the use of tho se parts we choose to disclose. Where the Right Is Found and How It Was Developed The right to privacy is a historical paradox of the United States constitutional law (Moore 20). Even if it did not exist as doctrine till late 1961, it did not create the basis of a Supreme Court verdict up to 1965 (Thomson 77). It is, in essence, the oldest constitutional right. This right of privacy establishes the foundation of the freedom of conscience articulated in the First Amendment, the right to be protected in one's self articulated in the Fourth Amendment, as well as the right to decline self-incrimination articulated in the Fifth Amendment, in spite of the truth that the word "privacy" itself is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Online Ordering System Essay Example for Free

Online Ordering System Essay Reyes conducted on assessment of the effectiveness of computers in selected organizations in Metro Manila. This study found out that the early approach to computer was for data processing of high volume which have an expanded to computer as planning and decision support levels of managements. the study also that at least level 3 computer literacy af tained by must of today’s computer softwares has been generated. Thus internet has increased in developing computerized information over the years. Quieta studied a comparison of the use of electronic commerce and of traditional business process in selected business establishments in Makati City. Based on the finding of this study, the following recommendations were offered: (1) Traditional business process will still be used in the first part of third millennium by the business industries as their back-up/ support in inevitable circumstances such as computer log-down. (2) consumers are secure and are still afraid to take the risk of paying their bills using their account number and credit card through electronic commerce payment system. (3) Electronic commerce concept in the Philippines has barely grazed the business environment. (4) Electronic commerce is expected to glow in the millennium. This study explored the relationship between owner/ manager factors, organizational factors, market structure, technological factors and awareness of government efforts to promote electronic commerce and electronic commerce adoption levels. The adoption level range from using the internet to communication (level 1), using the internet to communicate and setting up a static website (level 2), using an interactive website and accepting orders online (level 3) and doing the complete business transaction online (level 4). Seventy-eight exporting firms in the National Capital Region NCR completed the survey questionnaire either at their offices or during the trade fair at the World Trade Center. Statistical tools such as chi-square and t-tests were used to determine the significant differences in the responses of the participating firms. Binary profit was also used as a statistical model. A Focus Group Discussion and a case analysis were done to further prove the factors affecting the firms Electronic commerce adoption. The results showed that were only two levels  of electronic commerce Adoption among holiday decoration exporting firms, i.e. level 1 2. One factor that proved significant in influencing firms in their electronic commerce adoption was the owner/ managers understanding the benefits of electronic commerce. However, the negative correlation implied that the more the owner/ manager understands the benefits of electronic commerce the lower the level of electronic commerce adoption. Factors that were positively significant with electronic commerce adoption were years that the firm has been existing export market as a percent of total market, firm size based on assets and location of suppliers. The research studied the acceptability of online shopping website to its buyers specifically, the study focused on China’s biggest and still growing site., and its buyers who were students from top universities in Beijing. This study’s general problem was: what factors influenced the acceptability of sira corporations www. among online mall buyers in top universities at Beijing, China. Specifically, its objectives were to: 1. Present the respondent’s understanding of online mall in Terms of product and promotion; 2. Study the relationship between the product and promotion acceptability of among online mall buyer, and respondents sex, income, and academic rating of their universities; 3. Determine which of the major customer’s perceived issues should be given priority; 4. Study the relationship between the product and promotion acceptability of among online mall buyers, and customer’s perceived security risk and privacy risk. The study used descriptive and the chi-square statistical test for analyzing its quantitative data. The primary data were gathered from respondents surveyed by the researcher. After observing multi-stage sampling procedures, a total of 200 respondents were chosen from four top universities. The data and statistical results were processed with the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), version 10. The study concluded that (1) Males are not likely to find shopping at online mall more acceptable than females; ( 2) A University student enrolled in a university rated higher by the government is not likely to find shopping at online mall acceptable than the student in the less highly rated university; (3) a customer with higher  income level is more likely to find shopping at online mall more acceptable than a customer with lower income level; (4) The customer more concerned risk is more likely to find shopping at online mall acceptable than the customer who is less concerned with security risk. (5) The customer more concerned with privacy risk is more likely to find shopping at online mall less acceptable the customer who is less concerned with privacy risk. The growth of the internet in the last few years has spearheaded the growth of E-commerce . Many companies have moved part and parcel of their business into new medium.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

E Commerce Use In The Tourism Industry Tourism Essay

E Commerce Use In The Tourism Industry Tourism Essay Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the impact of Internet on tourism, highlighting the main benefits and limitations of e-commerce in the tourism industry. The article will provide some fundamental knowledge about the ICT (Information and Communications Technology) developments and their implication on various sectors of the travel and tourism industry, related to the world economic situation. 1. Introduction The Internet which is considered to be the most important innovation since the development of the printing press (Hoffman, 2000) has revolutionized how businesses operate. In 2010, Internet reached almost 2 billion users worldwide(28,7% of the total population) including more than 800 million Internet users in Europe (58,4% of its population) and approximately 7.8 million users in the Romania (35% of its population). These figures represent an increase of 444,8% compared to the year 2000. Table 1. Internet Usage and penetration rate Population (2010 est.) % Pop. Of the world Internet users Penetration (% Population) Users Growth (2000 -2010) Romania 21,959,278 0.32% 7,786,700 35.5 % 873.3 % Europe 813,319,511 11.9 % 475,069,448 58.4 % 352.0 % Rest of the world 6,010,331,171 87.78% 1,483,658,668 24.7% 482.8% Total world 6,845,609,960 100% 1,966,514,816 28.7 % 444.8 % (Source Due to the uninterrupted growth of the Internet penetration rate, demographic characteristics of online users are resembling more and more the ones of the general population. The average age of Internet users is rising in tandem with that of the general population, and racial and ethnic characteristics are more closely mirroring those in the offline population (eMarketer, 2010). Another interesting is the fact that over 90% of people between age of 5 and 17 use the Internet on a regular basis (Turban, King, McKay, Marshall, Lee Viehland, 2008). These younger generations are more familiar with the Internet than other media such as radio and television. When they will become economically active population, the Internet will be the most influential medium in business. From the early ages of the public Internet development, the search for travel information and for the purpose of making a booking has been one of the main reasons that people use the Internet. The top 5 most popular online purchases were books (66%), clothes (57%), travel arrangements (57%), gifts (51%) and CDs (45%) in the US in 2007 (Center for the Digital Future, 2008). The tourism industry has demonstrated rapid growth before the impact of the financial crisis and therefore has been identified as a key element of growth in the services sector. The tourism industry continues to be an important element as foreign exchange earner, contributing to the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the growth of the investments and employment rate as well as strengthening the services account of the balance of payments. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) the tourisms contribution to worldwide GDP is estimated at some 5%, and ranges from approximately 2% to over 10% for countries where tourism is an important sector of the economy (UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2010). The global economic recession combined with other problems related to natural disasters and influenza pandemic made out of 2009 one of the toughest years for the tourism sector worldwide. The year 2009 marked a decline in international tourist arrivals all over the world (880 million) and the tourism sector in Europe was the strongly affected. But starting with the 4th quarter of the year growth returned, after 14 months of negative results. And good news is announced by the UNWTO prediction that international arrivals will almost double reaching 1.6 billion by 2020 (UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2010) and will continue to grow at a rapid pace. The expansion of this industry will also have a benefic effect on the economic growth of other related service industries, such as food and beverages, accommodation, transport, shopping, entertainment and other small and medium-sized industries. Source: UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2010 2. The connection between ICT and Tourism Tourism industry has been linked with the progress and evolution of ICTs for over 30 years. Commencing in the 70s with the establishment of the Computer Reservation Systems (CRSs), then in the 80s the evolution of the Global Distribution Systems (GDSs) and the Internet in the 90s have changed operational and strategic practices in tourism. Nowadays ICTs are relevant on all operative, structural, strategic and marketing levels to facilitate global interaction among suppliers, intermediaries and consumers around the world (Buhalis Law, 2008; Egger Buhalis, 2008) Tourism is a dynamic sector of the economy, regardless if it is considered at local, national or international level, and as the Internet penetration rate increased, the use of e-commerce can became an effective tool to promote and develop new opportunities in the travel and tourism sector. Because tourism can be considered an information intensive industry it has experienced important changes over the past few years due to the strong evolution of ICT, which together with the Internet spans the globe (G. Schneider, 2007). The tourism sector is characterized by the intensive production of information, to meet the needs of the various actors (Ramos et al., 2009). ICT has significantly altered the playground for travel and tourism stakeholders, creating new opportunities and challenges in selling and promoting their products/services. The way in which potential clients search for travel information and buy their holidays packages was also altered by the unforeseen development and mass diffusion of Internet. Tourism and Internet combined together revolutionized the way of traveling. The cumulative effect generated by the following factors: the progress made in the field of the ICTs combined with the fact that technology became largely available; the digitalization of business; the growth of e-commerce in al fields of the economy; the adoption and integration of these revolutionary technologies in the field of tourism led to the birth of the concept of e-tourism. Electronic tourism (e-tourism) is defined as being the application of ICT on the tourism industry (Buhalis, 2003). After a literature review of works done on this domain I would like to point out that experts stated that e-tourism represents the digitalization of the value chain and business processes in the travel, tourism, hospitality and catering industries. At the tactical level, it includes e-commerce and applies ICTs for maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of the tourism organization. At the strategic level, e-tourism revolutionizes all business processes, the entire value chain as well as the strategic relationships of tourism organizations with all their stakeholders. (Buhalis, 2003) 3. Benefits and limitations of the Internet and ICT As mentioned above the evolution in technology allowed existing business to re-engineer themselves through technological innovation and permitted the entrance and creation of new business. The implementation and use of e-commerce applications present a series of advantages but also a series of disadvantages. The most relevant benefits and limitations of electronic commerce use are displayed in the tables below: Table 2. Benefits of e-commerce Source: Turban et al. 2008 Table 3. Limitations of e-commerce Source: Turban et al. 2008 ICT and Internet have provided the means for tourism organizations to develop their business processes and adapt their management structure and strategy to take advantage of the newly created possibilities in order to: Increase internal efficiency and better manage of their capacity and improve yield management. Interact more with existing and potential customers and personalize the products/services in order to meet their needs. Revolutionize tourism intermediation and increase the number of points of sale. Enable consumers to communicate with each other and share opinions. Provide Location Based Services utilize the ability to make use of the location of the mobile device. (Virrantaus et al. 2001) Promote of efficient cooperation between partners in the value system. Enhance the operational and geographic scope by offering strategic tools for global expansion. (Buhalis, 2003) The most discussed technological barriers are the lack of global standards for quality, security, and reliability (Turban et al., 2008; Van Toorn, Bunker, Yee, Smith, 2006). The absence of standards in technologies and its applications can increase semnificatively the cost of system integration for a more efficient management in distribution, operation and communication worldwide. Hospitality corporations had the financial power to invest and transform their systems into a total netware system. Small and medium-sized tourism enterprises (SME) on the other hand are having trouble integrating their systems because of limited financial resources. Due to this fact SME have a competitive disadvantage when competing against large corporation and it is difficult to conserve their position on market. The major non-technological problem is the payment and privacy issues, which can result in keeping consumers away from making online transactions. Businesses must protect themselves and their customers from losses due to cyber-vandalism and fraud, offering secure transactions and privacy protection of personal information by using advance cryptographic methods. The large availability of Internet created huge amounts of information, some of which can be inaccurate and deluding. For this reason, the Internet has lead to a decrease in the efficient search for information (Allen Shoard, 2005; Farhoomand Drury, 2002; Lurie, 2004). From the consumer point of view this may result in frustration due to the increased number of alternatives and attributes and finally may lead to increased cost for searching and indentifying alternatives Using ICT as a stand-alone initiative is not adequate and has to be combined with redesigning the business processes, structures and management control systems. ICT can enhance business success when rational and innovative planning and management is exercised on regular basis in organization. Intellect therefore becomes a critical asset, while continuous education and training are instrumental for the innovative use of ICT and the competitiveness of tourism organizations. (Buhalis, 2003) The integration of e-commerce application in tourism affected both supply and demand in this industry. In all sectors of the tourism industry the influence of ICT and Internet can be noticed through internal re-organization, relationships with partners and the way it relates and interacts with customers and stakeholders. E-tourism offers a wide range of opportunities for business expansion in all geographical, marketing and operational senses and as a result an important number of new players have arisen, sometimes referred as barbarians in the literature (Wade, 2000), as they enter with self-defined new rules. Table 4. Influence on various tourism industry players Source: Werthner, H. and Klein, 1999 4. Conclusion Travel and tourism have demonstrated that e-commerce may influence the structure of an industry, and provide new opportunities for business. In order to keep up with the highly demanding and better-informed customers, tourism organization have to use the advantages provided by the development of ICT and integrate the innovational technologies into their business process. The changes in industry structure is equally affecting large corporation and small and medium companies but it is more stringent for SME to master the ability grasp the opportunities provided by ICT, because failure to do so will materialize in loss of competitiveness and business opportunities. As experts stated it: Given the importance of e-commerce in tourism, it is essential that tourism organizations adopt e-commerce as their business strategy. All type of tourism organization should pay attention to the new mobile technologies that emerged in the past few years and to the advantages offered by m-commerce because this may take e-tourism a step forward by offering a better interaction with the customers. The study of what seems to be materializing, as m-tourism will be the focus of further research. Due to the fact that the use of e-commerce had a continuous and rapid growth despite the current economic situation combined with the great potential of the tourism sector, I venture my self in stating that e-tourism can provide us with a way to surpass more quickly the negative effects generated by the international financial crisis into the economy.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Key Thinkers in Sociology

The Key Thinkers in Sociology Talcott Parsons (1902-79) was a key functionalist thinker. He suggested a special type of sociology called functionalism. He said that the function of anything is the job that it does. Functionalists see society as a social system made up of interrelated and inter-dependent institutions, such as education, work, religion, law, the family. The overall function of these institutions is to maintain social order. The nuclear family is suggested by the functionalist sociologists as the norm in modern industrial societies, and that it has a number of functions that contribute to the well-being of the society. The family is the primary agent of socialisation. It socialises new members by teaching them common norms and values. The family create consensus and order. Parsons (1995) argued that families are personality factory; they produce children who shared same norms and values and have strong sense of belonging to society. There are criticisms of the functionalist view of the family. The idea that the family benefits all individuals has been strongly attacked, mostly by feminist sociologists, who argue that the family is only there to exploit and oppress women. They believe that the rosy harmonious family life painted by functionalist ignores social problem such as increases in divorce rate, child abuse and domestic violence. The analyses are based on middle-class and American versions of family life, and they didnt add other influences such as ethnicity, social class, religion. They also see children as passive recipients of culture and this view under-estimates the role of children in families. In conclusion, functionalist thinking of the family suggests that biological needs support the nuclear family, even when there is no scientific evidence to support this view. Feminism is the sociological perspective which examines society from the perspective of women. It contrasts with traditional sociology, which was dominated by men and male concerns. There are at least four types of feminists who identify different reasons for womens unequal situation in society. They are the Marxist feminists who argued the relationship between capitalism and family, private property and the house wife role. The liberal feminist duels on the lack of equal opportunities in society. The radical feminists talk about patriarchy; this predates capitalism and present in most cultures. The difference feminists in its theory claim that certain groups of women might have unique situation that disadvantages them. Feminists have been highly critical of the family, unlike other critics; they have tended to stress the harmful effects of family life upon women. This has led them to the development of new perspectives and highlighted new issues. They have for example, introduced the study of areas of family life such as housework and domestic violence into sociology. They have challenged the views about the inevitability of the male dominance in families and questioned the views that family life is becoming egalitarian (becoming equal). Feminists have also highlighted the economic contribution made by women domestic labour within the family. Their theory has gained the attention sociologists to see the family as an institution involving power relationship. They have challenged the image of the family life as being based on cooperation, shared interests and love. It has shown that men obtain greater benefits from families than others. Some feminists have come out to question why other feminists sho uld condemn family life. Some have also argued that feminists should recognise the various improvements in family life for women over the past years. All feminists, however, argue that family life still disadvantages women. The Marxist theory of the family developed from the work of Karl Marx (1818-1883). Marx believed society was made up of two important parts, the economic base or infrastructure and the superstructure, which includes the family. By economic base, Marx means the capitalist system of production and the capitalist class structure, whereas by the superstructure, Marx means the other institutions of society, the family, the education system, the mass media, the religious system, the political system and the legal system. He argued that the economic base influences the organisation of the institutions of the superstructure so that they operate to maintain the capitalist system. Federich Engels (1884) was a close friend and colleague of Marx. He believed that early society was based on a primitive form of communism. There was no such thing as private property, wealth was communally owned, there were no rules limiting sexual behaviour and undiscriminating sexual behaviour was the norm. The society was the family. Engels believed that a monogamous nuclear family became more important as private property became more important in society. Property was owned by males and they needed to be sure of the legitimacy of their heirs (inheritors), and marriage was the best the best solution. This increased control over women or patriarchy. The criticism against Marxism is that there is a considerable working class support for the family and it is difficult to explain this if the family is a source of working class oppression. Families have sometimes helped their members to cope with the injustices of the capitalist system. There has being active opposition to the capitalist system, although such opposition occur only in a minority of families. According to Talcott Parsons (1950), family structure changed as society industrialised. Families in Britain have changed over the centuries. It has changed from extended family to nuclear family. The extended family was during the pre-industrial society. People needed to have lots of relatives with them to share the familys work (such as running a farm) and to support them in sickness and old age. The big change came with the Industrial Revolution bringing in the nuclear family. The period of Industrial Revolution (1750-1850) was when modern industry based on factories developed, and people moved in large numbers from country areas to new industrial cities. Before the Industrial Revolution, it was difficult to separate home and the whole family worked together. As time changes, it was men who went to work and women just stayed home to do the cooking and cleaning. Young and Willmott carried out studies of working-class families in London in the 1950s and 1960s. They found strong extended family networks in Bethnal Green, East London. The most important characteristic of British family today is diversity. The different types of family are the nuclear family; it is made up an adult man, adult woman and their child or children. The lone parent families are one parent, father or mother and his or her child or children. Reconstituted families are new family created after divorce through a second marriage, with stepparents and stepchildren. Co-habitation family is a name for people who live under same roof. The presence of minority ethnic groups (afro-Caribbean families and the Asian families) has also contributed to the diversity of Britains families. A study by Young and Willmott (1973) found that joint role had replaced separate roles in the home with tasks and decision making now shared. But Ann Oakley (1974) criticised this view and argued that separate roles still exist in the home. Stephen Edgell (2000) found that in the middle class, women had sole responsibility for financial decisions in relatively unimportant areas such as home decorating and children clothing. The decisions on major spending were made jointly. Evidence suggests that many women have dual burden of labour, home and work responsibilities. Sociologists Mary Boulton suggests that women have additional emotional role in the home. She called it a triple burden. Studies conducted in the 90s by sociologists showed that the role of father was changing. They are more likely to attend to the birth of their babies and play greater role in childcare than in the 60s. Burghes (1997) says fathers are now more actively involved in the emotional development of their children. The reason for this, according to Beck (1992) is that father can no longer rely on jobs to provide a sense of identity, they rely more on their children for that. Feminist have highlighted the influence of patriarch ideology on the way both husbands and wives perceive their respective situations. Ann Oakleys study, The Sociology of Housework (1974) involve forty housewives, six were employed outside the home. She found that middle class husbands gave more help with childcare than with housework. Oakleys survey has been backed by subsequent surveys. The above finding contradicts the optimistic view of Young and Willmott. Their picture of symmetrical family in which husband and wife share their work was based on responses to only one question. Functionalists see the sexual division of labour at home as biologically inevitable. Marxist feminist argue that the housewife role serves the need of capitalism. Radical feminists believe like Delphy (1984) that the first oppression is the oppression of women by men.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Jeffersonian Republicans Vs. Federalists Essay -- essays research pape

As the young colonies of America broke away from their mother country and began to grow and develop into an effective democratic nation, many changes occurred. As the democracy began to grow, two main political parties developed, the Jeffersonian Republicans and the Federalists.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each party had different views on how the government should be run. The Jeffersonian Republicans believed in strong state governments, a weak central government, and a strict construction of the Constitution. The Federalists opted for a powerful central government with weaker state governments, and a loose interpretation of the Constitution. Throughout the years, the political parties have grown, developed, and even dispersed into totally new factions. Many of the inconsistencies and changes can be noted throughout the presidencies of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Thomas Jefferson entered office in 1800, he came in with lots of new ideas and goals as the president. Jefferson believed in a smaller central government with stronger state governments. He was a Republican and favored the view of strict construction. He believed that, â€Å"Our country is too large to have all its affairs directed by a single government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Document A). Jefferson and his Republican party believed in a government that was going to work for the people and that was going to have them at its best interests. That is why they believed in having stronger state governments, they were closer to home and to the people they were governing, therefore they knew more of what the public needed. Document B also refers to strict construction and Jefferson’s beliefs. It talks about the freedoms that were stated in the constitution, mainly, the freedom of religion. Jefferson believes that the federal government should not have any say in dea ling with religion of the people. The Republicans believed that any law stated in the Constitution should be strictly followed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Jefferson’s presidency wore on, the Jeffersonian Republican beliefs began drifting farther away from the original ideals they began with. Some of the decisions made by Jefferson proved to follow the loose construction of the Constitution of the Federalists. When he made the decision to purchase the Louisiana Territory, he never obtained congressional approval. He... ...ter the country as a whole. John Randolph, a Democratic Republican of the time even suggested that the Jeffersonian Republicans were taking on the old Federalism principles during Madison’s term. Document F explains how, â€Å"this government created and gave power to Congress to regulate commerce†¦not to lay a duty but with a steady eye to revenue†¦Ã¢â‚¬    Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the country grows and matures into a great nation, people realize that change is inevitable and sometimes even needed. Within the time period of 1802 to 1817, many Jeffersonian Republicans realized that their ideals and principles weren’t always best for the nation. That is why they adopted some of the ideals of the old Federalist Party. Also, during this time, the Federalists died out. As realized after the Hartford Convention, the nation did not need nor want the Federalists anymore if the Democratic Republicans could get the job done. Although people changed a great deal during this time, it seemed to be beneficial to the nation. If people had not grown and never continued to learn and aspire to what is needed, then we may have never gotten to this great nation that the United States of America is today. Jeffersonian Republicans Vs. Federalists Essay -- essays research pape As the young colonies of America broke away from their mother country and began to grow and develop into an effective democratic nation, many changes occurred. As the democracy began to grow, two main political parties developed, the Jeffersonian Republicans and the Federalists.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Each party had different views on how the government should be run. The Jeffersonian Republicans believed in strong state governments, a weak central government, and a strict construction of the Constitution. The Federalists opted for a powerful central government with weaker state governments, and a loose interpretation of the Constitution. Throughout the years, the political parties have grown, developed, and even dispersed into totally new factions. Many of the inconsistencies and changes can be noted throughout the presidencies of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Thomas Jefferson entered office in 1800, he came in with lots of new ideas and goals as the president. Jefferson believed in a smaller central government with stronger state governments. He was a Republican and favored the view of strict construction. He believed that, â€Å"Our country is too large to have all its affairs directed by a single government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Document A). Jefferson and his Republican party believed in a government that was going to work for the people and that was going to have them at its best interests. That is why they believed in having stronger state governments, they were closer to home and to the people they were governing, therefore they knew more of what the public needed. Document B also refers to strict construction and Jefferson’s beliefs. It talks about the freedoms that were stated in the constitution, mainly, the freedom of religion. Jefferson believes that the federal government should not have any say in dea ling with religion of the people. The Republicans believed that any law stated in the Constitution should be strictly followed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As Jefferson’s presidency wore on, the Jeffersonian Republican beliefs began drifting farther away from the original ideals they began with. Some of the decisions made by Jefferson proved to follow the loose construction of the Constitution of the Federalists. When he made the decision to purchase the Louisiana Territory, he never obtained congressional approval. He... ...ter the country as a whole. John Randolph, a Democratic Republican of the time even suggested that the Jeffersonian Republicans were taking on the old Federalism principles during Madison’s term. Document F explains how, â€Å"this government created and gave power to Congress to regulate commerce†¦not to lay a duty but with a steady eye to revenue†¦Ã¢â‚¬    Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As the country grows and matures into a great nation, people realize that change is inevitable and sometimes even needed. Within the time period of 1802 to 1817, many Jeffersonian Republicans realized that their ideals and principles weren’t always best for the nation. That is why they adopted some of the ideals of the old Federalist Party. Also, during this time, the Federalists died out. As realized after the Hartford Convention, the nation did not need nor want the Federalists anymore if the Democratic Republicans could get the job done. Although people changed a great deal during this time, it seemed to be beneficial to the nation. If people had not grown and never continued to learn and aspire to what is needed, then we may have never gotten to this great nation that the United States of America is today.